Thursday, August 27, 2020

Icons of Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima Essay examples -- Bless Me Ult

Symbols of Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultimaâ â Â Â â The representation of Mexican Americans is layered in shades of inner conflict. Beside the reality there is proof that they can not so much be named a transitory culture in that the land where they will in general move once had a place with Mexico, they can likewise make a case for the land as Native Americans. The Spanish Europeans who settled in the territory that became Mexico advanced as the predominant culture over the oral culture of the Native Americans. By and by, there is proof of indecision among the Native Americans to the predominant culture of the Spanish in what is ostensibly one of the Mexico's essential messages, the narrative of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531. The Virgin of Guadalupe doesn't fit the standard model of the Virgin as she appears to devotees, the greatest change being her local appearance. She is of the prevailing society's religion, but then she isn't. Her appearance is one of just eight worldwide that have discovere d acknowledgment by the Catholic Church (Apparition 48). Also, she is an image of the local culture too and has love according to the two Mexicans and Mexican Americans that remaining parts obvious to date. Quite too, Bless Me Ultima, a cutting edge work of fiction set in New Mexico, portrays not just inner conflict toward the prevailing society of the United States, yet additionally remainders of a similar indecision toward the Catholic Church discovered many years sooner in the local culture of Mexico. Ultima, one of the rule characters in the novel, rehearses the antiquated craft of Curanderismo, a way to deal with recuperating which envelops the body, psyche and feelings alongside the spirit and the soul (Curandera 1). Ultima rehearses the four ... ...Robert C. Broderick, ed. New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1987. 48. Favored Juan Diego: Model of Humility. 29 Oct. 2000. Favored or Evil. 5 October 2000. Curandera Elena Avila. 5 October 2000. de Vega, Bechiller Luis Lazo. History of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Later. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 475-82. La Curandera: Blessed or Evil. 5 October 2000. Scapular. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Overhauled and Updated. Robert C. Broderick, ed. New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1987. 543. Â Â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Helen of Troy allusion from Romeo and Juliet Essay

Inference area: Act 2, Scene 4, line 107 Statement: â€Å"Helen and Hero were whores and harlots.† Plot setting: Romeo has quite recently orchestrated Juliet and his marriage and is strolling home when Mercutio spots him. Mercutio pokes fun at how his young lady is lovely to the point that she makes the most delightful ladies in history look revolting. Mercutio additionally makes reference to that Romeo gave them the slip the earlier night. Romeo answers and asked what they implied and Mercutio begins poking sexual fun at what Romeo was doing the earlier night. Romeo reacts to Mercutios jokes hilariously and keeps on messing with Mercutio. Research: Helen of Troy is in some cases alluded to the face that propelled a thousand boats. Helen of Troy was supposed to be the girl of Zeus and was seized by Theseus, lord of Athens, and Pirithous, ruler of Larissa in light of the fact that they needed to have intercourse with the little girl of Zeus before they kicked the bucket. At the point when Helen was more seasoned she had a huge number of admirers. To pick the admirer Helens father made the admirers all perspiration to secure Helen and whoever her better half ought to be and afterward made an opposition which Menelaus won. At the point when Menelaus returned Helen to Pleistheines and they lived cheerfully for about a year prior to Paris, the sovereign of Troy, came to Pleistheines and began to look all starry eyed at Helen. At the point when Menelaus left to go to a burial service in Crete, Paris and Helen fled for Troy with some of Menelaus’s riches. When Pleistheines returned and discovered what had happened he required al l of Helens old admirers to stay faithful to their obligation and assist him with bringing back Helen. Investigation: The reference to Helen of Troy has regularly been utilized to contrast a wonderful lady with Helen of Troy to state that they are lovely. The inference to Helen of Troy is hinting in light of the fact that Romeo and Paris both battle about Juliet simply like Menelaus battled Paris over Helen.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Create a Good Title For Your Term Paper

How to Create a Good Title For Your Term PaperThe more relevant the title, the better it is for a custom term paper. How to create a good title for your term paper? If the title of your term paper is too generic, and does not reflect well on your topic, then it will be hard for you to get accepted for your term paper in any of the universities.The keyword is - it is a great way to boost your own sales. The further away from the idea of your paper, the better the sales will be. This can be considered as a strategy to be able to focus more on the topic and make sure that it has the main keywords that are expected.Another effective way to make sure that your title is really catchy is to use words that are already present in the current trend of our lives. You can find out these words by just looking through the internet. But just take note that not all the words you use are going to work.Remember to avoid using the same words. This is the main reason why your title is not going to be ap proved by the applicants. Try to come up with a title that is really unique and will not go with any other title that has been used by any other university.You can use the ideas of titles that have already been used by the applicants of other universities in order to make sure that they can choose it without any hassle. If you want your own version, then it would be best if you choose the title that is actually related to your topic.For example, if you are going to be doing a project on security issues, it would be best if you choose a title that has the use of the word 'secure' as the first word. This means that your title should be to emphasize the fact that your title is about security.Your title should also be able to make a loud and clear statement that your topic of the paper is about security. There is a saying that the title can sometimes make or break the success of a term paper.There are also some topics where there are very limited words to create a title that would fit. In this case, you can still come up with a very catchy title by using some of the more common words that are still working in the market. But keep in mind that this is only a trick and not the right approach to get the success you want.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Political Participation Among Backward Castes Of Panchayat...

Political participation among Backward Castes in Panchayat Raj Institutions: A study on Ananthapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh Social Stratification is a ubiquitous social structure in human societies, be it simple or complex. Stratification is fairly permanent ranking of positions in a society in terms of unequal power, prestige or privileges. It refers to the patterned or structured social inequalities among the whole categories of people not just among individuals. The Caste system is the unique dimension, on which the Indian society is stratified into higher and lower castes with differential access to resources of society. In India, caste is the most important basis of social categorization. Initially caste originated on the basis of division of people on the basis of their natural inclinations and occupations and over a period of time it has turned out to be hereditary. It has created social groups based on kinship and ethnicity. The hereditary occupations have created vested interests in the form of socio-economic monopolies and have bred an extreme form of exploitation. The main attribute of Caste system is ritualistic purity, and this in turn has created inflexibility, rigidity and feelings of superiority and inferiority. Basing on different perspectives there are various definitions of caste. How does one define caste? Although many social scientists have done epoch- making work on the Indian caste system, no two social

Friday, May 15, 2020

Behavioral Curriculum Model Essay - 2237 Words

Behavioral Curriculum Model Susan McIntosh CE420: Curriculum Development Professor Katherine Berry October 20, 2012 Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select -- doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. --John Watson, Behaviorism, 1930 Behaviorism is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behavior is acquired through conditioning (Behaviorism, 2012). I will address how behavioral perspective connects to early childhood theory. I†¦show more content†¦The forth area is called arousing phenomena which is where emotion and attention are our brain’s activation system, in that are brain will only respond to emotionally arousing phenomena. The fifth area is called hemispheric specialization which is where the cerebrum at the top of our brain processes conscious thought and behavior. The sixth area is called the arts and humanities which effectively incorporate the curricular mix in that they combine the best representations of our cultural history and the creative explorations of new cultural challenges. The seven and final area is called conscious learning which provides us with a unified sense of self, a subjective awareness of our existence and of the environment we inhabit (Sylwester, 2012 ). Trend is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph (Dictionary, 2012). There are several different current trends that are related to behavior models. The first current trend would have to be the use of the internet or social media as a teaching tool. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ecosystemic Crisis Intervention and the Multicultural...

Ecosystemic Crisis Intervention and the Multicultural Imperative Rapidly Changing Events and Environments The ecological model of crisis intervention has emerged due to accelerating events in dynamically changing cultures. Some events that have made it necessary for the training of crisis interventionist to shift focus, and shift into high gear are listed below. Nationally, crises such as September 11th , Oklahoma City Bombing, School attacks in Littleton, Colorado; Springfield, Oregon; and Pearl, Mississippi. Most recently, the Red Lake school Atlanta Courthouse and the Wisconsin Church shootings. International crises that have impacted crisis intervention traingin has included the War on Terror and its aftermath, and suicide†¦show more content†¦6. The Society: encompasses all of the above systems Defining Principles of a Crisis Intervention Ecosystem 1. Systems must be interdisciplinary: Emergency management systems and crisis intervention systems must rely heavily on a broad spectrum of people that range from sanitation workers to civil engineers to medical personnel, to psychologists, ministers, and economists. 2. The system must be multitheoretical: There is no one size fits all answer to large-scale crisis. 3. Individuals are part of the ecosystem: We are tightly interwoven into the total ecosystem of the world. 4. Multiple contents must be considered: Micro-, meso-, exo-, and macrosystems are all components of the total ecological system that impact the individual when a mega crisis occurs. 5. Time is of the essence 6. Meaning is important: the sense we make out of the crisis from a large systemic view is as important as the sense we make out of it individually. 7. Parsimonious interventions are needed: Concordance and coordination within various systems are needed to avoid wasting of time. 8. The process is cooperative collaborative and consultative 9. There are a full range of targeted interventions aimed at individuals, institutions, communities, on up to the national level depending on how widespread the crisis is. Overall, the aim of ecological

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

South East Asian Culture

Question: Discuss about theSouth East Asian Culture. Answer: Influence of Indian and Asian Cultures on Southeast Asia. The term Southeast Asia had been generally used to designate the geographical area of operation for the forces of the Anglo-American in the Pacific Theater of Second World War during the period of 1941-1945. Southeast Asia has been entitled to a number of designations, none being strictly restricted to the geographical sense of the term. Chinese referred it to as Nanyang which meant the South Seas while according to the Indian tradition names used were Suvarnabhumi or Suvarnadipa meaning Golden lands or islands. All over the nations, relatively new nations are involved in a constant struggle to move out from their violent and repressive pasts into a hopeful and stable future. (Hadiz, 2010).The various countries that are present is Southeast Asia provide the scholars with a rich tapestry of both evolution and revolution to start with. Owing to its physical to climatic contrasts, cultural and ethnic variation coupled with uncomfortable political alliances, Southeast Asia as a region em erges in an eminently rewarding position. The complex culture that have emerged in this region, have a rich yet delicate blend of the two most important countries falling in this region, namely India and China. Southeast Asia is well known for its cultural diversities. Though the region is mainly occupied by the Neolithic communities, the cultural influence initially started from the Indian traders getting absorbed in Burma. On the other hand going down further east, the Bronze Age infiltrates were noticed from China. The earliest contacts that took place between the two major empires in Southeast Asia was mainly between 50 A.D. -100 A.D. The Chinese and Christians came here in order to search for a maritime route for trade in place of the other overseas routes that were blocked by the Horsemen tribes spread over Central Asia.(Scott, 2014). The southeast culture started getting indianised, through trade relations springing up over the coastline areas of southern Vietnam. These settlements later became important for trading through maritime to the southern Provinces of China from the Bay of Bengal. The kingdoms present in Southeast Asia at that point of time already was influenced by Indian culture in terms of a well classified caste system , the architectural forms, art styles and most importantly religion i.e. Hinduism and Buddhism. The influence of ancestral spirits that primarily coexisted with Indian religions is still very prominent in this region. Indian influence started spreading when two Chiefdoms namely Funan and Chenla started flourishing in the area of Mekong Delta. China is said to have introduced its own indigenous and traditional cultures in the regions of Southeast Asia. They also have a heavy influence of literary styles, administrative techniques, examination systems and also regions of Vietnamadapting to the religions of Chinese creation like Confucianism and Daoism. (Case, 2013). Features such as distinctive language, women playing a greater role in the social and economic life still prevail in the lives of the Vietnamese people. The Chinese also exerted political influence either directly or indirectly in the central parts of Southeast Asia. The strategic position of Southeast Asia i.e. mountains having it separated from other regions, gives the communities living here an amalgamation of different cultures.This leads to a development of a complex culture heavily influenced by India and China. (Burton and Wurfel, 2016).China was separated by these mountains from Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Thailand. Thus these areas are relatively influenced by the cultures and traditions of India. On the other hand, primarily Vietnam and adjoining areas bore a Chinese influence partly because they were close to China .We see areas falling under thus region often imitating cultures of both the region . (Clifton and Majors, 2012). For example, people who eat mostly with hands here are said to be influenced by the Indian culture while the ones eating with chopsticks have a Chinese influence. Countries like Philippines and Vietnam in this region is seen to have immense diversity in their cultures, particularly derived from the c ontact with the Indian Cultures and influences of the Chinese Trading era. Taking examples of specific countries in the region of Southeast Asia respectively, we would take Indonesia as example and Indias cultural influence on the same. In terms of history, it seen that the island of Indonesia has its mention in the Indian epic i.e. Ramayana with its former name Yawadvipa. Indonesia is said to support a huge Indian population from the earliest of centuries. (Claramita, Nugraheni, van Dalen and van der Vleuten, 2013) This is one of the reasons as to how we see a sense of cultural homogeneity and impact of Indian culture here. The primary ethnic groups in Indonesia are the Javanese and are heavily influenced Indian culture like their religion, lifestyle, beliefs and practices. Indonesian cinematography for that matter is heavily influenced by Bollywood of India. It is seen that Indonesia has always enjoyed more than just cordial relationship with India except in 1965 when it supported Pakistan in a war situation (Acharya, 2014). Vietnam is said to have its origin of influence from the culture of China rather than India. The tribes of the southern China were said to be the first people who came and settled along the areas. They have been able to influence Vietnam in terms of government and politics, social and moral ethics of Confucianism. Most of the political institutions and Chinese principles were forged too owing to the Chinese rule for over 1000 of years. It is seen that the cultures are intermingled in such a way that it becomes overlapping in nature. However the Southeast Asian region is seen to be restricted to their very own cultures that they have developed and are rather hesitant in accepting any other policies from the other countries that do not fall under the realm of their own comfort zone. (Crane, Kawashima and Kawasaki, 2016). They have in fact founded their own regional organization, The Southeast Asian Regions which comprises of the nations of Southeast Asia having, one vision, one identity and thus forming a community of their own. The new cooperative security approaches proposed by other countries are subscribed by the governments of this region but hesitantly. National sovereignty is the most important matter concern for the security discourse of Southeast Asia, even after all the pressure coming from the Asian financial crisis. Thus the countries are constantly trying to preserve their cultural identity however being ignorant about the unconventional security threats lurking the backdrop. References: Acharya, A., 2014.Constructing a security community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the problem of regional order. Routledge. Burton, B. and Wurfel, D. eds., 2016.Southeast Asia in the new world order: the political economy of a dynamic region. Springer. Case, W., 2013.Politics in Southeast Asia: democracy or less. Routledge. Claramita, M., Nugraheni, M.D., van Dalen, J. and van der Vleuten, C., 2013. Doctorpatient communication in Southeast Asia: a different culture?.Advances in Health Sciences Education,18(1), pp.15-31. Clifton, J. and Majors, C., 2012. Culture, conservation, and conflict: perspectives on marine protection among the Bajau of Southeast Asia.Society Natural Resources,25(7), pp.716-725. Crane, D., Kawashima, N. and Kawasaki, K.I. eds., 2016.Global culture: Media, arts, policy, and globalization. Routledge. Hadiz, V.R., 2010.Localising power in post-authoritarian Indonesia: A Southeast Asia perspective. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Scott, J.C., 2014.The art of not being governed: An anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia. Yale University Press.