Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ecosystemic Crisis Intervention and the Multicultural...

Ecosystemic Crisis Intervention and the Multicultural Imperative Rapidly Changing Events and Environments The ecological model of crisis intervention has emerged due to accelerating events in dynamically changing cultures. Some events that have made it necessary for the training of crisis interventionist to shift focus, and shift into high gear are listed below. Nationally, crises such as September 11th , Oklahoma City Bombing, School attacks in Littleton, Colorado; Springfield, Oregon; and Pearl, Mississippi. Most recently, the Red Lake school Atlanta Courthouse and the Wisconsin Church shootings. International crises that have impacted crisis intervention traingin has included the War on Terror and its aftermath, and suicide†¦show more content†¦6. The Society: encompasses all of the above systems Defining Principles of a Crisis Intervention Ecosystem 1. Systems must be interdisciplinary: Emergency management systems and crisis intervention systems must rely heavily on a broad spectrum of people that range from sanitation workers to civil engineers to medical personnel, to psychologists, ministers, and economists. 2. The system must be multitheoretical: There is no one size fits all answer to large-scale crisis. 3. Individuals are part of the ecosystem: We are tightly interwoven into the total ecosystem of the world. 4. Multiple contents must be considered: Micro-, meso-, exo-, and macrosystems are all components of the total ecological system that impact the individual when a mega crisis occurs. 5. Time is of the essence 6. Meaning is important: the sense we make out of the crisis from a large systemic view is as important as the sense we make out of it individually. 7. Parsimonious interventions are needed: Concordance and coordination within various systems are needed to avoid wasting of time. 8. The process is cooperative collaborative and consultative 9. There are a full range of targeted interventions aimed at individuals, institutions, communities, on up to the national level depending on how widespread the crisis is. Overall, the aim of ecological

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